P-05-703 Proposal to Postpone the Restrictions on Fishing in Welsh Rivers. Correspondence –    01.09.2016



Not enough research has been done.

The effect on the economy

Taking away disabled anglers fishing methods.

They admitted that rod anglers are not the problem.

Fishing at sea will remain the same.

Small clubs will suffer.

Taking away mans natural instinct " to hunt for food"

With the uncertain times ahead who knows what funding NRW will get now we are out of Europe

Can they afford to loose the money that's paid for rod licences ? ( which they have publicised ) will increase next year by £10. Who is going to pay over £80 to catch a salmon and return it.

Pollution, environment habitat, poaching and exploitation at sea needs to be addressed before anything else.


NRW got their figures from the catch return section on the licence, people who poach do not send in returns and lots of anglers do not return theirs.

Please consider these points.



Alex Young